Sunday, 23 September 2007

engage in edinburgh - bored stiff at dynamic earth

Last week me and some of my work mates went to the 'Engage in Edinburgh' run by the IAB at the Dynamic Earth center and if this was 2002 I would have really enjoyed it. What a waste of time. A whole day of sitting there listening to the majority of speakers with very little to new to say on a wide range of topics with every speech ending on the stony silence of question time. Any member of the audience could have gleamed from Google the vast majority of this information moments before and even found the 'witty' mp3's and youtube clips that speakers embedded in their powerpoint slides to be 'wacky'.
At the end of the day we were all invited down to London where we were promised speakers from Google and Facebook, as opposed to what we got, sales pitches from past it powerpoint peddlers

My final thoughts on the conference:
There was no wifi available at the internet conference and 30% of the people who went to the conference turned up with laptops. I lost a days work due to this.

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